Tuesday 10 July 2012

How many balloons to lift a house?


I get asked all the time "how many balloons does it take to lift a person, the truth is i dont know exactly but then i was just reading an article on another balloonatics blog http://www.balloon.co.uk/blog/ and found it funny, so i thought i would share it with you!!!!!

Interesting article from physicsworld.com relating to the film UP, how many balloons would it take to lift a real house?
“The authors found that it would take almost 10 million helium balloons to lift the small wooden house and 400 million helium balloons to lift a typical UK house! They note the downfalls of this particular method of relocation though, by concluding that the balloons would “deflate very quickly at high altitudes” and that the “foundations and drainage of the house would be removed, making the structure very unstable, if by some miracle the journey is possible.” Pity, balloons would make moving so much easier!”
The other issue here is that the 10 million balloons will need to be inflated in less than 10 hours…..or the first balloon will have next to no lift.

See you guys soon and i hope you enjoyed this as much as i did :)