Friday 26 July 2013

A Day in the life of Partini Balloons

The day is Saturday 20th June...alarm is set for 6.00am and as i am not a morning person...... well ill leave my thoughts on this to your imagination :-) anyway we made it, dressed and ready with one of Angies magic brews for exactly 6.38am

We hit the road ready for our first stop at the Hotel Victoria in the sunny Newquay, now usually we would meet Brock (the hotel wedding organizer) and try and badger him for another brew, but due to our ridiculously early start and his usual late nights we missed each other. But still a great venue with very friendly staff.
Now you might think all i go on about is Brews and food....... and you would be right, so no day is a good day without a breakfast for champions........A double sausage and egg Mcmuffin meal:-) which i might add we needed as the temperature was soaring at 21 C at 9.00am, it was going to be a hot one.

So, brews and breakfast out of the way, we set off to St Austell to set up some black and gold balloons at St Austell Golf Club, one of our most regular venues with one of the most friendly head chefs you will ever meet, Will, and true to form he also makes an amazing brew ;-) so the schedule is, we need to get done and finished by 10.00am, better get moving!!!!!!!

Did someone say helium was supposed to be light!!!!!!!!

Anyway we made the deadline so we needed to go back to Bodmin to bring in the backup....Shaun, our son. So i had to do a bit of creeping for him to give up his Saturday......Have you been working out Shaun :-)

Our next stop was a very special and unique request.........A PROPOSAL!!!! the brief was to inflate a giant balloon for a 40th birthday with a 'Will you marry me' balloon inside so when the birthday girl popped the big balloon the marry me balloon would then appear and he would pop the question, lets hope it all goes well.

The time is 11.30am and we are on track for our final job of the day........but it is a big one in the social calender, The RNAS Summer ball!!!!!!!!! we will be here for a few hours so better get cracking, and you will be pleased to know no time for a brew!!!!!

The brief was 'A night at the movies' with different rooms with different themes..."ill leave it up to you" Quote!!!!!! no pressure then.
So we wanted the main dance room "Saturday night fever" to have the most impact.....anyway here are the pictures.

As Shaun is the tallest and im 5ft nothing he was volunteered for the ladders, so i took this opportunity to.............have a brew!!!!!!!

The other themes were Grease and Oscars so polka dots, neon disco balloons nd black and gold  were a must.

It was nice though when George Clooney and Elvis popped by to say hello

So our day decorating was finished and we had a very tired crew, except Shaun as he does have nearly 20 years on us!!!!! and has just had a great holiday in Kavos!!!! im not jealous at all can you tell.......

 Home sweet home at 7.25pm, 13 hours after we started but a great day and some very happy customers. 
We do love our job and as much as Saturdays are tiring we wouldnt do anything else, we are very privileged to be involved in our customers celebrations, so we finish the day with a nice glass of  Merlot.

See you next time. 

P.s A massive thankyou also goes out to our Daughter Nessy who without her babysitting skills we wouldnt be able to do what we do, Thanks Ness xxx